Your employer has a duty of care to ensure you have a safe working environment.

Your employer has a duty of care to ensure you have a safe working environment. Under the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, your employer must:

  • Assess any risks to the health and safety of its workforce and act upon any risks they identify
  • Appoint someone to oversee workplace health and safety
  • Provide workers with information and training on health and safety
  • Have a written health and safety policy

If you are injured in an accident at work and your employer has failed to take proper steps to ensure your safety, you could be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

You may have needed time off work, have had to take a lesser role as a result of your injury or even been unable to return to work, all of which can result in a loss of earnings for which you may be entitled to receive compensation.

You may be concerned that if you bring a claim you may lose your job but this is not the case as there are protections in place to ensure that this cannot happen.

If you have been injured at work then you should speak to one of our civil litigation specialists who can provide you with friendly and straightforward advice on the merits of your case and what steps to take next.

Please call us on 01442 242999 or email us at to discuss the next steps.
